Research Projects

HKNC staff Tara Brown-Ogilvie and Jenee Alleman stand to the right of their presentation entitled, "Recognizing the Needs of Older Adults with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss." They are wearing business clothing with name badges in a conference setting.

Recognizing the Needs of Older Adults with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss (2024)

This survey study aimed to identify nationwide challenges of older adults with combined vision and hearing loss to inform HKNC’s Older Adult program and services. 

Interviews with HKNC Regional Representatives: Priorities for Serving People who are DeafBlind (2019)

This document is a synthesis of responses from interviews conducted with HKNC field representatives during the period of July to September, 2019.

A group of 6 men and 8 women sit on and stand behind outdoor benches with a flowering cherry tree and a two story building behind them.
O&M instructor using tactile ASL with a DeafBlind student who has his cane to the side while receiving TASL during his O&M lesson at HKNC.

The Use of Touch During Orientation and Mobility with People who are DeafBlind (2022)

This study looks into how touch has been used when it comes to orientation and mobility.

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