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Helen Keller Services Presents: 2024 Accessibility Symposium & Awards

Join us at the 2024 Helen Keller Services Accessibility Symposium & Awards, a digital experience uniting industry leaders, technology experts, innovators, and advocates dedicated to advancing accessibility. Learn how prioritizing inclusivity drives innovation and enhances business growth.

Join us for a groundbreaking virtual event exploring the future of accessibility in business and society.

You’re invited to the Helen Keller Services Virtual Accessibility Symposium and Awards.  Our online experience will bring together thought leaders, innovators, influencers, and advocates who are passionate about shaping a more inclusive future.  Be part of this transformative event, as we explore how prioritizing accessibility can drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and contribute to a more equitable society.

Join us as we celebrate and recognize companies that prioritize accessibility for people of all abilities across their products, services, and organizations.  The 2024 AccessAbility Awards recipients include United Airlines, Apple, LEGO, Meloway Makeup, Be My Eyes, Booz Allen Hamilton, Rival, and the Viscardi Center.

Who should attend? Professionals in DEI, Accessibility, HR, product development, marketing,

legal, education, healthcare, public policy, design, customer experience, technology development, and more.  

Learn how to include the “A” in your diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility commitment.  And discover the value of accessibility.

[Fades to the Helen Keller Services Accessibility Symposium and Awards information, October 22, 2024, 12pm Eastern Time, and a QR code to register at bit.ly/HKSAccessibility]

[End of Transcript]

Event Summary

We’re excited to invite you to our 2024 Accessibility Symposium & Awards, a digital experience that brings together industry leaders, technology experts, innovators, influencers, and advocates who are dedicated to advancing accessibility. This virtual format allows us to connect with a wider audience, fostering a truly inclusive dialogue. While we recognize the unique value of in-person connections, this adaptation ensures wider participation as we unite in our mission to promote accessibility.

Event Details

Date: October 22, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET. 

Where: Virtual

Price: Free

Our Presenters

We have assembled an incredible line-up of presenters to share their insights and experiences. Our speakers include Keynote, Sumaira Latif, Company Accessibility Leader at Procter & Gamble, who will share her expertise on integrating accessibility into product development. Beth Foor from Corporate Affairs at Kellanova will discuss how accessibility influences corporate strategy and brand perception. We’re also honored to have Joe Strechay, an award-winning producer and consultant on Netflix’s recently acclaimed “All the Light We Cannot See,” who will offer unique perspectives on accessibility in media and entertainment.

The $7 Trillion Opportunity

The global disability market represents a staggering $7 trillion in spending power, a fact that many businesses overlook. With one in five people worldwide living with a disability, this vast and often underserved market segment presents immense economic opportunities for businesses willing to prioritize accessibility. By developing products and services with accessibility in mind, companies can tap into this trillion-dollar market and often discover innovative solutions that enhance functionality for all users.

A strong commitment to accessibility extends beyond product development and into the workplace, fostering an inclusive culture that attracts diverse talent and boosts employee satisfaction. This approach not only expands market reach but also enhances brand loyalty and drives innovation across the entire organization.

Beyond Market Potential

The benefits of prioritizing accessibility reach far beyond market opportunities. Companies known for inclusive practices enjoy stronger customer loyalty and positive public perception, significantly enhancing their brand reputation. Internally, an emphasis on accessibility creates a more welcoming and diverse workplace environment, leading to increased employee satisfaction and retention.

Moreover, the process of designing for accessibility often acts as a catalyst for innovation. When companies strive to make their products and services accessible to all, they frequently develop creative solutions that improve user experience across the board. This approach gives businesses a competitive edge in product development and user experience design, benefiting not just those with disabilities but all consumers.

The 2024 Helen Keller Services AccessAbility Awards

A highlight of our symposium will be the AccessAbility Awards ceremony, where we’ll recognize companies that have made exceptional strides in prioritizing accessibility across their products, services, and organizations. This year’s distinguished award recipients include United Airlines, Apple, LEGO, Meloway Makeup, Be My Eyes, Booz Allen Hamilton, Rival, and The Viscardi Center. Each recipient has shown remarkable commitment to inclusivity, setting examples for businesses across diverse industries.

Who Should Attend?

The Helen Keller Services Accessibility Symposium & Awards is designed to benefit a wide range of professionals. Whether you work in DEI, human resources, product development, marketing, legal, education, healthcare, public policy, design, customer experience, or technology development, this event offers valuable insights for your field. Attendees will gain the knowledge, strategies, and inspiration needed to integrate accessibility into the heart of their business practices.

Join us as we explore how prioritizing accessibility can drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, attract a diverse workforce, and contribute to a more equitable society. This is your opportunity to be part of shaping a more accessible and inclusive future for all. Don’t miss this chance to connect with industry leaders, share ideas, and gain practical insights that can transform your approach to accessibility.

Register for Accessibility Symposium and Awards

Secure your spot today for this free, transformative event. Together, we can unlock the potential of accessibility and create a more inclusive world for everyone.

Symposium Presenters

Sumaira “Sam” Latif
Accessibility Leader at Procter & Gamble

Smiling pretty woman wearing a grey head scarf and light blue shirt and a silver necklace.

Sam Latif is P&G’s first Company Accessibility Leader, and is leading the P&G’s thought leadership and commitment to making products, packaging and advertising accessible for the 1.3 billion people around the world with a disability. 

Born in the UK, first generation Scottish Pakistani. Sam is blind and the passion for what she is doing at P&G has been inspired by the personal access challenges she has experienced as both a consumer and an employee. Sam studied Marketing and Business Law at the University of Stirling in Scotland and began her career at P&G in IT. She has lead IT transformations across multiple worldwide businesses including Fragrances, Pampers, Olay and Gillette. 

In 2015, Sam switched focus from running IT businesses to figuring what it would take to make P&G become the most accessible company for the consumers we are serving. She was appointed as the company’s first Special Consultant for Inclusive Design. During this time, Sam worked with the Herbal Essences business to explore how we could make it easier to help people tell the difference between shampoo and conditioner, especially in the shower when people are not wearing their corrective eyewear. It’s estimated that 79 of the population in the west wear corrective eyewear and so it’s quite hard for people to tell by sight alone our shampoo and conditioner bottles apart. 

In February 2019, Sam was promoted to Senior Director responsible for creating a disability confident culture within P&G and beyond. 

Beth Foor
Corporate Affairs, Kellanova

White female in her late 40s with shorter brown hair wearing a blue cardigan over a blue patterned shell.

Beth has been a member of the Corporate Affairs team at Kellanova (formerly Kellogg Company) since 2019. In addition to her Communications role, she served as co-chair of Kapable – Kellanova’s Business Employee Resource Group for employees with disabilities and supporters.

Beth is a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities as she has Usher syndrome, a combination of both vision and hearing loss. She has been a key member of the team working on Kellanova’s pioneering collaboration with NaviLens to improve accessibility to some of the world’s most iconic brands such as Kellogg’s and Pringles. Beth holds both a Master of Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of Science degree from Olivet Nazarene University.

Joe Strechay
Award Winning Film and Television Producer

Headshot of Joe with white cane. Joe is wearing a button-up shirt, is in focus with the background blurred behind him.

Joe Strechay is a producer and consultant for entertainment and film projects involving blindness or disability. His projects have included Netflix’s All the Light We Cannot See, The OA, Marvel’s Daredevil; AppleTVPlus’ SEE and casting for numerous streaming networks and entertainment companies. He has advised on theatre productions, commercials, books and podcasts. He is an individual who is blind and grew up with a learning disability. He is passionate about mental health and accessing employment and your goals. Joe’s undergraduate is from East Carolina University and his graduate is from Florida State University. He has worked within and managed state government agencies in New Jersey, Florida and Pennsylvania. Joe and his wife, Jen, reside in Fayetteville, West Virginia. 

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